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Spots are still available for 2026!- Have your Scouts Sign Up Now!

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Philmont Scout Ranch, the Boy Scouts of America’s premier High Adventure™ base, challenges Scouts and Venturers with more than 214 square miles of rugged northern New Mexico wilderness. Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime in the rugged mountain wilderness in the Sangre de Cristo Range of the Rockies in northeastern New Mexico. This opportunity is open to individual Scouts or unit crews.
Every Year since 1969, the Mid-Iowa Council has put together a contingent of Scouts to experience Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. 2023 would be the 55th consecutive year that we have arranged these expeditions for Scouts from all over the Council. In those 50+ years, over 2,500 Scouts and adult advisors have taken advantage of this opportunity to experience the great hiking and programming that Philmont has to offer. A typical Philmont crew varies from 8-12 participants. Most Troops are not able to muster a full crew for a trip like this. As a Council Contingent, we are able to assemble crews from several units giving all Scouts an opportunity regardless of unit size. We know there are Scouts out there who would love to experience an outdoor challenge of this type and test all the skills they have acquired during their years in Scouting. The Council has volunteers who are more than willing to make Unit and District promotional presentations about Philmont and the details involved in such a trip. Please let us know what we can do to make this opportunity into reality for your Scouts! Scouting is a program with many traditions, and we want to be able to continue this tradition.
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For additional information or to sign up contact: Chuck Jordal (515)279-8746

This is one of the things we do best
Philmont Scout Ranch is the Boy Scouts of America’s largest National High Adventure Base. Born in 1938 as Philturn Rocky Mountain Scout Camp, Philmont has become a bustling center for high adventure and training. It covers 140,177 acres of rugged mountain wilderness in the Sangre de Cristo range of the Rocky Mountains in northeastern New Mexico. Philmont has a unique history of ancient Native Americans who chipped petroglyphs into canyon walls, Spanish conquistadors, who explored the Southwest long before the first colonists arrived on the Atlantic coast, the rugged breed of mountain man such as Kit Carson, who blazed trails across this land, the great land barons like Lucien Maxwell who built ranches along the Santa Fe Trail and miners, loggers and cowboys. All left their mark on Philmont.
Visit the Philmont Website Visit the Philmont Training Center Website