(515) 266-2135

Board of Directors

Mid-Iowa Council, BSA
Board of Directors

Mid-Iowa Council Key 3

Seth Elgin
Council President
Matt Hill
Scout Executive

Whit Johnson
Council Commissioner

Officers and Executive Committee

G. Thomas Sullivan
Immediate Past President
Brian Loffredo
Vice President Development
Skeet Wootten
Council FinanceTreasurer
Geoff Greenwood
Vice President Communications
William Boatwright
Legal Counsel
Marv Wilson
Vice President Scout Safety
John Halbrook
Vice President Program
Joe Harris
Vice President Properties
Jennifer Banh
Vice President Membership
Kathleen Riessen
Vice President Talent Management
Timothy Williams
Vice President District Operations
Jack Hilmes
Vice President at Large
Ed Miller
Vice President at Large
Chuck Biskner
Vice President at Large
Sheriff Kevin Schneider
Vice President at Large
  Terry Lebo
Vice President at Large

Board of Directors

Daniel Adams Jim Aipperspach Josh Bragg*
Tom Cox John Davis* Linda Dedecker
John Dickerson Kandra Dickerson Terry Dooley
Peter Dorhout Richard Early Steven Eddy
Arne Hallam Todd Jacobus Beth Stelle Jones
Will Keeps Nathan Kerns Michael Kinter
Richard Koch Jr. Matt McCoy Becky Murphy**
Phil Nemmers Barry Romitti Patrick Rupe
Mark Weisheipl

*District Chair

**Youth Member