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Safety Awareness

Child Abuse Prevention Is Woven into the Fabric of BSA Advancement Structure

April and May is Child Abuse Prevention month, making this an appropriate time to plan a Scout meeting to work on the child abuse prevention-related elements built into the BSA program.

Like the youth protection-themed booklets that are required reading for parents and Scouts of all ages, the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure (for Cub Scouts) and the Personal Safety Awareness programs (for Scouts BSA members, Venturers and Sea Scouts) cover topics that are critical to help ensure the safety and well-being of our youth.

As it is with all of the skills kids learn in Scouting, these requirements provide tools and knowledge that will remain vital to the youth as they continue their journey to adulthood.

In addition to plenty of materials to read and discuss, the BSA — in partnership with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation — also offers a series of videos tailored for different ages that can be played at unit meetings or in the Scout’s home.

We recommend sharing your meeting plans on these topics with parents in advance of the meeting date.

For the Rest of the Story, Please go to Bryan on Scouting: